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To Parents–About Drinking and your Teens…

I was saddened by the tragedy of the alcohol related death of a 14 year-old Middle Rincon student.  My heart goes out to her family and friends. In addition to grieving, we must honor it as a lesson learned.

Most young people, who die accidently, die from one bad decision.

Parents and Adults – 

–Lock up or do not have liquor accessible to children. 

–Never buy or supply alcohol to underage people.

–There is no such thing as a “safe drinking” party.

–Take a heartfelt look at how your use of any substances impacts your children.  You are their role model!

–Educate your children authoritatively about the risks of substance use.

–Help your children find safe, edgy experiences.

–Supervision is paramount. Media and technological devices do not supervise children. Sleepovers especially require vigilant supervision.

–Make agreements and emergency plans with your children that keep them safe in tough situations.

Perhaps as we mourn this painful loss, we can honor the life of this young person by spreading the message and teaching young people to “choose life” through their daily decisions.

C 2011 Rick Concoff, M.A.





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