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Pay now or pay later; Parenting Advice that Works!
There are a large number of lessons we have to learn from infancy to adulthood in order to make us functional, happy, well-adjusted, self-supporting adults. As a matter of fact, there are hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands. We learn most of these lessons from observation, being taught, or common sense realization. Others, we learn through experiencing consequences to our actions. As children we may be taught the importance of sharing, why we should not hit others, and why we use the toilet and not our pants. As we get older we generally learn things that are reflective of our age and maturity. If the sign says, “walk” but a car is speeding through, don’t walk. Don’t eat random wild mushrooms if you are not a mushroom expert. Don’t take a … Read entire article »
Filed under: parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips
Clear Way to Make a Good, Right Decision–Sentiment or Heart; Flip a Coin
Imagine you have a decision to make. It is a difficult decision and one that necessitates mindful attention. The decision is a huge one, one that will take you on a very different path than any other decision. Or, it is a small, but essential, pivotal decision of the moment. Try the following practice. Notice your sentiment. Sentiment is feeling based on emotion, opinion, self-concern, fear, sadness, nostalgia. It has the Latin root word for “feel” in its very fiber. It often starts with “I should…”, “I am afraid…”, “What if…”, “I will miss…”, “I fear..”, “I can’t…”, “I shouldn’t,,” It has lots of “buts” and “ifs”. After you immerse yourself in your sentiment, know that it is not a great basis for a decision. It could cause you to miss a great opportunity. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips, Relationships
Letter to Fathers
Please enjoy this article in Common Ground: An Open Letter to Fathers about Daughters and Men about Emerging Young Women Rick … Read entire article »
Filed under: Common Ground, parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips
Back to School Pep Talk–Success Strategies
What kind of student are you? What are your gifts and challenges? Perhaps you are someone who tends to procrastinate, forgets to do your homework, has problems doing well on tests, does assignments but forgets to turn them in, has a reputation for being disruptive in class, is often tardy, can’t remember the assignment. Do you have time-management issues or are plagued by distractions of media, texting or lack of motivation? Is your backpack a disastrous, disorganized mess? Are you sometimes even tempted to cheat or plagiarize, rather than disappoint your parents? Maybe you are a student who is a perfectionist, a chronic worrier, or an over-achiever who is stressed, sleep-challenged and cannot turn it off. Do you have well-intentioned parents with high, sometimes unrealistic expectations, which may frustrate you and cause you … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips
Summer Camp Gives Many Gifts for Kids!
Enjoy this article from Common Ground about the benefits of summer camp. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Common Ground, parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips, summer camp
Parenting and Your Child’s Musical Life
Enjoy this article in Common Ground about your child’s musical life! … Read entire article »
Filed under: children's music studies, Common Ground, parenting advice, parenting teens
Parenting Advice Blog
Through adult understanding of and agreement about our own values, we can identify values and virtues that we want to model and teach to our children. Parents, teachers and administrators working together have the power to establish “foundational culture” in the family, school, and community that serves to inspire the development of good Values and Virtues. We have many parenting tips for you, based on years of parenting experience, teaching and group work. Discover how choosing your battles, knowing and asserting your limits and boundaries, and timing can mean the difference between effective and ineffective parenting. The parenting tips included in each one of our talks can serve as some of the most powerful advice you can get in helping your kids to develop good values in life and to aspire to … Read entire article »
Filed under: parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips
Parenting Teachable Moments
Our children see us, watch us, judge us, and on a rare occasion, listen to or hear us. Our best teachable moments are how we act: While driving While checking out at a store While on the phone to discuss a bill, credit card, etc.-hard time understanding When you make a mistake When you speak to others face to face When you are watching sports on TV When you are at your computer When you are at the airport, on a plane When you are out to dinner When you are exhausted, frustrated, etc. When you are wrong When you lose an argument When you are interacting with your spouse/partner When it is time to vote When you get pulled over by a police officer When you are in a traffic jam When someone cuts you off When someone yells at you When someone flips you off When someone … Read entire article »
Filed under: parenting advice, parenting teens, parenting tips