ParentingPanicButton » self confidence
Trust is Something you Give
A clean and sober alcoholic reaches out to save a homeless alcoholic who later breaks into his house, attempts to rob him, and ends up stabbing him to death… A long time trusted church bookkeeper is found to be stealing hundreds of thousands from the church that trusted her…. A “benevolent” man approaches a homeless mom and her children begging for money outside of a department store. The man befriends the family, takes them inside the store, buys them all kinds of things they need, and wins their trust. During shopping spree he offers to run out for some burgers for the whole family. The naïve and innocent daughter offers to go with him and the desperate mom has a moment of ill-fated trust. The child is later found dead, the registered … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips, Relationships, self confidence
Dear Mom
Dear Mom, I am so grateful you are my mom, and that you are still on the planet with us. I love you. I appreciate your wisdom, and respect your deep intuition and care. Thanks for giving me life, caring for me, walking me through the stages, getting me a toy after each of the many shots the doctor gave me. Thanks for helping me to be an individual by dressing me in cute and awkward clothes. Thanks for rescuing me from my bad dreams and night terrors. Thanks for unconditionally accepting me. Thanks for all the thousands of chats on the phone, and for still being able to give me a pep talk in a moment of adversity. Thanks for all of my birthday parties. Thanks for grandma and grandpa and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blessings, Common Ground, Featured, gratitude, parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips, Relationships, self confidence
The Young Man with the Missing Hand Part 2
We are all missing something. Some of us are fortunate enough to know what it is and will be able to learn the lesson that lives in its place. It must be more painful for someone to know something is missing but to not know what it is. It must be even more painful to find out that the thing that you will soon be missing is your life. That is my not my story for now. The lesson that is mine to learn now is illusive and beautiful and revealing and true. The truth has a perfect juxtaposition of joy and sadness. I get to go on and bring more lessons to myself and others. That is my gift. And so, I walk forward in anticipation, trepidation, hope and glory … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blessings, Common Ground, gratitude, Relationships, self confidence
The Young Man with the Missing Hand Part 1
I saw one being, my angel walking in the mall yesterday. I was on the way in; he was on the way out. Or was he on the way in and I was on the way out. He wore a baseball Cap and all the attire. He wore baggy pants low and had a tight logo shirt on his showing his” six pack”. He was perfect. Perfect in every way. He had the look. He seemed confident, happy and perfectly content. He walked with a gait of strength. He walked proudly as if he had a left hand. His arm ended in a perfect shape, proudly displayed as if he had a hand. I imagine he never had a hand and yet he proceeded with elegant composure, directness and determination. If … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blessings, Common Ground, Featured, gratitude, self confidence
Parenting our Teens; Helping them with their Stress- Part 1
This article is about how stress causes problems in our teens like self harm, eating disorders, depression, anxiety and suicide In case you don’t have time to read this, but want the information, here you go: Spend enough quality time with your teens and pre-teens so that you continue to know them and have healthy attachment through these difficult years. Have a clear view of what the parameters of “normal” are for your child, and pay attention to behaviors that call out for help. Sometimes these behaviors will seem like they are intended to alienate you, but don’t fall for it. Not being a therapist or a clinician, I see it as appropriate for me to refrain from description, diagnosis, analysis or suggested remedy for these challenges, and for the rise in their … Read entire article »
Filed under: Blessings, children's music studies, Common Ground, Featured, gratitude, Jewish Community Events, Oakland A's, parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips, Relationships, self confidence, summer camp, teen driving
30 is the new 10, or at best 20; Raising an adult child
I recently had lunch with my old buddy and his 35 year-old son. As we were celebrating that “50” is the “new 60”, and “50” is the “new 40”, he chimed in, yeah and “30 is the new 10”. We all laughed at that comment! There are many, many young adults between the ages of 18-35 who have successfully moved into adulthood. (How To Be and Adult) and my blog 18 steps to becoming an adult. If your grown child falls into the category of being a true adult, is self-supporting and self-empowered, then kudos to you for your contribution as a parents, and kudos to them for stepping up and showing up. This article may not apply to them or you. However, if you are in the growing group of parents … Read entire article »
Filed under: gratitude, parenting advice, parenting help, parenting teens, parenting tips, Relationships, self confidence
Perfectionism—An issue for all ages–or 80/20!
I was one of those kids who would be upset that an A- was not an A or A+. I feel frustrated and annoyed at a 780 credit score, balking at the things that I “got marked down for”. (780 is a very high score, sufficient for any loan) I used to get up each morning with the intention of having a “perfect day”, of never saying “the wrong thing”, showing up on time, and doing it all right. When I got home, I asked myself the question “Was I the best and did I do the best I could do today in all situations? How close to perfect was I?” The answer was usually no, as I poured over the few things that I “messed up’ during the day, thus … Read entire article »
Filed under: parenting tips, self confidence
Success and confidence: Which comes first?
As inspired by a like comment made by Tony La-Russa, Long-time Major League Baseball manager and lawyer I love baseball! I love baseball quotes! I Iove baseball analogies! Baseball is like life, hero one day, goat the next, and yet everyday you reset the score to “0-0”. Tony La-Russa, current Cardinals and past A’s manager gave an interesting interview on the topic of success or confidence, which comes first? In the interview, he suggested that they actually have to be cultivated at the same time to support each other. As it relates to baseball, think of the striving minor league baseball player who is a power-hitter in AAA, coming up to the big leagues and going 0 for 42. When will he get his first hit? Will he break the curse? What will … Read entire article »
Filed under: self confidence